How La Mex Restaurant stays organized & keeps their crew updated using Camelo

La Mex is a restaurant in Joliet, Illinois, serving authentic and delicious Mexican food that satisfies even the most traditional palates. With its wide range of dishes, drinks, and desserts, the restaurant has thrived.

However, as the crew grew, Talia, the manager, struggled to keep herself organized. There were times when she granted her workers days off and then completely forgot about them. Then, on the first night she downloaded Camelo, she knew right away it would be worth it in the long run.

“Nothing more to say than thank you, Camelo team. You guys are phenomenal! You don’t know how grateful I am for finding you guys on the App Store lol!”

A dream comes true and a team that feels like family

Talia’s father had a dream of one day opening his own restaurant from a young age. Through a lot of hard work and risks, he finally made that dream come true. He provided many job opportunities for the employees. Some are still working at La Mex for over a decade, and others reaching two decades.

“Even though it sounds cliché, I see many of the employees more than workers, they are family. We even spend more time at the restaurant than our own homes sometimes.”

Supportive clients through challenging times

La Mex’s family recipes have won over lots of guests. Many of them have turned into loyal patrons who supported the restaurant during challenging times.

“I feel like there’s been a balance among all of us. We are able to help each other in need in any situation. Sometimes it’s about hearing each other out and offering support. During those dark Covid times, our clients had been so supportive by reaching out and showing support.”

Challenges of managing a growing crew

As the restaurant crew grew, things got busier and started to get messy. It became hard to keep track of what was going on in the restaurant, who was off, and conversations with workers. Embarrassing moments began to arise.

“I struggled to keep myself organized. I’m always on the run. And ever since I started hiring more employees and growing a bigger crew, people would ask for days off, and I’d just say yes in the moment, and totally forget that they’d asked for that certain day off. It was so embarrassing.”

It’s worth it in the long run

In search of an app to help her track things better, Talia got hooked on the Camelo app right from the first night she downloaded it.

“I was so impressed that what I wanted an app to do was actually accomplished. The first night that I downloaded it, I couldn’t sleep that night because I just wanted to get started and complete it. Because I knew right away it was going to be worth it in the long run.”

Finally, peace of mind and more time for family

What Talia loves most about Camelo is the convenient scheduling feature.

“It helped with my anxiety more than anything. No more embarrassing moments when I’ve forgotten someone’s day off. So, more peaceful nights and, especially, more time with my lovely family,” she shared.

Besides scheduling tools that help management create schedules for workers easily, Camelo also allows management to handle team members’ work hours, attendance, messages, and beyond. There’s no need to fumble around trying to keep shifts covered and keep the crew updated.

“So having this app helps me stay more organized and ease my mind more than anything. Knowing that my crew is organized and can be managed more easily. Also, if there are issues that I have to clear up, the app makes it easier to reach out to everyone at once.”

When asked if she’d recommend Camelo to others, Talia was excited,

“Oh hell yes! 🙌🏼 If it changed my life for the better, why wouldn’t I want that for others?”

Try Camelo now and see the difference yourself.

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